Thursday, January 24, 2008


Start and Own Your Online Business for $1.20 Per Day

Many of us have thought about it as we sit around at home after a long forty hour workweek.

The thought of owning our own business on the Internet has captured the entrepreneur spirit in many of us.

The available probabilities for making money on the Internet has never been better. Everyday, more and more people throughout the world are connecting to the Internet with the sole purpose of creating a Internet Home Based Business.

To consider starting an Internet business from home, you must first assume the active role of "Entrepreneur".

An entrepreneur is one who "Organizes a business undertaking, assuming the risk for the sake of the profit".

Before establishing any business, you must clearly understand that there is potential risk that you will be acquiring, to possibly make a profit with no guarantee.

Risks can be considered as; money spent, precious time consumed, loyal dedication, shortage of regular sleep, absence of social activities, and any other sacrifices that might occur when building your business from the ground up.

Profits can be considered as; wealth, successfully achieving your goals, being able to forsake working for an employer, spending more time with loved ones, or just being able to clearly establish a successful business.

Everyone must understand ahead of time the phrase, "Paying your dues". Sometimes the challenges of effectively starting a new business may initially appear overwhelming, but you clearly need to take it on, one step at a time.

Starting an Internet business without any prior experience can be one's biggest challenges.

One of the simplest, and most profitable Internet businesses today, are the ones that supply demanded pertinent information.

Most people today who log onto the Internet are seeking relevant information on, how-to answer their questions, or, how-to resolve their problems.

Supplying relevant information to your established clients is worth its weight in gold. Think about it for a moment. Have you ever had a question regarding an important matter? When you successfully found the information that resolved your problem, you were most likely satisfied with that source who provided you with that knowledge.

Starting a content home-based Internet business is fairly easy. First, you clearly need to choose a particular subject that you may have some knowledge about. Do some research to find out the popularity of the subject you selected.

If you are not actually well informed on any particular subject, here again, do some research on the Internet. Select a particular subject that you may obviously enjoy that will provide relevant information for your website visitors.

Lets say that you are not great when it comes to writing informative articles, and clash with the thought of writing articles by yourself. No problem! There are literally hundreds of article websites that will provide you with excellent relevant content for free. The topics and authors are plentiful, they will be more than delighted to supply you with excellent informative articles for you website content.

When using article supply websites, keep in mind that you will be required to follow their publishing guidelines. The guidelines mostly consist of contributing attributes to the author's article that you may utilize. One of the most important guidelines you will especially need to follow and observe is the rules and regulations regarding SPAM. Each article distribution site has their own publishing guidelines, make sure you read and acknowledge their requirements.

Creating a website will be your next task to undertake. This subject may seem a little challenging to someone who understands little about creating a website for the first time. Presently, there are many user friendly web hosting companies that will adequately provide a novice with all the tools they will need to successfully create a professional looking website. The vast majority of these hosting companies also provide excellent twenty-four hour customer support, along with informative on-line tutorials to professionally assist your building process.

Most website hosting providers also supply you with a large selection of templates, which will allow you to select a theme for your website that reflects your business plan.

After you have successfully accomplished creating your website, actively focus your efforts on selecting relevant articles that pertain to your website. Keep in mind, that you will regularly be able to update and tweek your site when required. Select your articles with care and a definite purpose. Remember, people are searching the Internet to resolve their problems, or to efficiently acknowledge their questions. If you site can successfully support these people and resolve their problems, you will have a client that will return.

The next step is to how do you effectively earn money furnishing information? One of the simplest ways is becoming a registered affiliate. An affiliate is an individual or website that markets other companies products. Example, as an affiliate, you will have banners or text links on your site, when clicked by a client, they will be redirected to the advertisers site. If that client purchases a product from that site, you will receive the commission that was agreed upon.

Selecting the proper affiliate programs are very important to the well being of your business. Make sure to consider your selections carefully. The advertisers that you select for your site should be well established and creditable, plus be willing to assist your affiliate needs.

Next, you will clearly need to promote you website. The least inexpensive way is to creatively write informative articles that are relevant to your site. Take some time to think about your future customers, what questions might they have? Write articles on themes of particular interest, that pertain to your website. The articles should be informative and beneficial. When writing articles, try to reflect your personality within the article, people have a tendency to follow authors because of their style, flair, and relevant knowledge that they demonstrate.

The articles you write can be submitted free to most article supply sites. When these sites approve your article they will ask you to provide your attributes, this is where your site will be linked. People seeking more information will click the link and visit your site.

The next step to promoting your site will be to submit your website to the search engines. There are some free submission sites, but most will ask you to upgrade for a fee. Most upgrade programs are well worth the small fees charged. They typically will submit your website address to all the major search engines, plus, assist you with keyword selection tools, and supply you with information on how to improve your rankings within the search engines, which is very important.

The last subject to discuss, the importance of an autoresponder. An autoresponder will become a twenty-four hour attendant for your website.

Most good autoresponder programs will adequately provide numerous functions to assist you to manage your website efficiently.

First, autoresponder programs normally provide: daily subscription management, reports and statistics, opt-in form templates, integration of CAN-SPAM compliance checks, newsletter message campaigns to opt-in subscribers, message personalization, ad tracking, and a host of other features to professionally assist you while developing your subscriber base. Many autoresponder companies offer toll-free phone support, plus free tutorial video's about using their program.

Autoresponders are great tools and a must-have if your are considering an E-business. The precious time saved by automation, plus, all the significant information that will be adequately furnished to you regarding your clients, is all worth the cost.

The Bottom Line:


---Will-power to focus..........$0.00
---Persistence for success....$0.00
---Information for strength...$0.00
---Article sources..................$0.00
---Affiliate programs.............$0.00
---Web hosting.....................$13.00/month
---Search engine marketing..$8.00/month

TOTAL RISK...........................$36.00/month = $1.20/day

PROFITS--------------------------$ UNLIMITED $-------

Final Word: Your success will depend on your will-power to focus on your goals, maintaining your persistence for success, and ultimately, being able to acquire as much information that will provide you with the strength to overcome all challenges.

Your business venture as an entrepreneur has just begun.

Roy King, is the editor for Ecom Newspaper which is dedicated to provide Ecommerce news, information, and articles of interest for home-based internet businesses. Tips, Tricks, Techniques, and Secrets are revealed by the guru's of the ecommerce world within our online newspaper. Stop by and visit us at: Blog56853
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